Woman transcribing at a braillewriter

Print, Photographic

Accession Number: 2004.134.59.4

Description: Black-and-white glossy shows a side view of a woman seated at a wooden table, looking at a page of standard-print in a book propped up on a book holder, and transcribing the text as she presses the keys of a braillewriter. In the background, an indoor radiator and large window are visible. On reverse, handwritten in pencil: "Not to be used without permission from Monsanto Magazine."

Medium: Photographic Paper

Print Size: 8" (h) x 10" (w)

Date: ca. 1959

Photographer: Walsh, Jack (Monsanto Magazine)

History/Provenance: The photographic print was sent to Finis Davis, superintendent of the American Printing House for the Blind, from Monsanto Chemical Company in 1959. It was one of several photos that a Monsanto Magazine photographer took for possible use in an article about APH ("Substitutes for Sight," by George N. Reynolds) that was published in the October 1959 issue of the magazine. This particular photo was not included in the article.

Credit Line: (see provenance)

Subjects: Transcription Braillewriters