USBBY Certificate of Nomination of “Goin’ On A Bear Hunt” by Suzette Wright for the 2011 IBBY Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities


Accession Number: 2017.26

Scope & Content: Printed on white paper, with colorful USBBY logo above presentation line; text area has ivory-color background surrounded by blue decorative border. Certificate is signed by USBBY Executive Director V. Ellis Vance and is dated November 20, 2011, the date of a session -- Outstanding Books For and About Young People with Disabilities -- held in Chicago that was co-sponsored by USBBY.

Creator: United States Board on Books for Young People

Interview Date: / /

Collection: APH Collection

Administrative History: Every two years, the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) selects Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities and lists them in an annotated IBBY catalog of the same name. Among the sixty books selected by IBBY in 2011 was "Goin' On a Bear Hunt," a tactile picture book with braille and print text, retold and illustrated by Suzette Wright and published by the American Printing House for the Blind (APH). The 2011 selections were also part of a worldwide IBBY traveling exhibit. "Goin' on a Bear Hunt" had been nominated for selection in 2010 by the United States Board on Books for Young People (USBBY), a national section of IBBY. The USBBY certificate of nomination was sent to APH in 2011.

Subjects: Awards Blind children Books for children Certificates Visually impaired children