Accession Number: 2008.26.3-4
Description: Brown half-inch wide magnetic tapes are master tapes containing data for IRS Publication 17, "Your Federal Income Tax." A handwritten label on one tape (.3) reads: "Test for Blind, IRS - Pub 17, Chapter Units 1&2, pages 1-141, 7 track." The other tape (.4) has a typewritten label that reads: "Brail Code of IRS Pub. 17, Units 156-1 to 5," and a second label that reads: "Property of General Kinetics, 6, Do Not Remove."
Date Made: ca. 1985
Collection: APH Collection
History/Provenance: APH Collection
Credit Line: APH Collection, 2008.26
Subjects: Braille Computers Transcription
Dimension Notes: Each reel of tape is stored in a clear plastic IBM tape container that measures 11.5 in. (diameter). Approx. 2400 feet of tape on each reel.
Made: IBM
Material: Tape, Magnetic
Updated: 12/06/2012