Tinted spectacles in hinged case


Accession Number: 2002.130a-b

Description: 2002.130a - One pair of tinted spectacles with silver wire frames and beige-colored nose rests. 2002.130b - Original, hinged metal case with gray buckram covering on the outside and blue velvet lining on the inside. Lettering on the outside bottom of the case is somewhat illegible and includes the following words: Stores, Spectacles, Mark, Aircrew, and Medium. A large "S" is also impressed on the bottom of the case.

Date Made: [n.d.]

Subjects: Blind Eyeglasses

Dimension Notes: 2 x 5 1/2 in. folded

Made: unknown

Material: Metal, glass, rubber eyeglasses ; velvet, buckram c

Updated: 09/23/2015