The Central Catalog


Accession Number: 2000.142.2

Subtitle: Volunteer and Commercially Produced Materials for Visually Handicapped Children

Summary/Description: Catalog lists volunteer-produced braille, large type and recorded textbooks; commercially-produced large type textbooks and supplementary materials; and press braille and large type books produced by the American Printing House for the Blind. Subtitle from cover. Organized alphabetically by title; entries include form of accessible media (braille, tape, thermoform, large type), date, and depository to contact for loan or purchase. Compiled by the American Printing House for the Blind's Instructional Materials Reference Center for Visually Handicapped Children (IMRC). On title page: "Carl W. Lappin, IMRC Director." APH catalog no. 7-2175. Orange paper cover; brown cloth tape along spine; perfect binding.

Author: Instructional Materials Reference Center for Visually Handicapped Children

Collection: APH Collection

History/Provenance: Catalog was transferred to the APH Museum from APH Resource Services.

Credit Line: APH Archives

Publisher: American Printing House for the Blind

Publisher Place: Louisville, KY

Publish Date: 1981

Subjects: Books and reading Braille Catalogs Instructional materials Large type books Talking books

Physical Description: 1 v. (1104 p.) ; 11 x 8.5 in.