Accession Number: 2000.142.3
Subtitle: Volunteer and Commercially Produced Materials for Visually Handicapped Children
Summary/Description: Catalog lists "volunteer produced braille, large type and recorded textbooks . . . commercially produced large type textbooks and supplementary materials . . . [and includes] regular press braille and large type books produced by the American Printing House for the Blind." Organized alphabetically by title; entries include accessible media (braille, tape, thermoform, large type), date, and depository to contact for loan or purchase. Subtitle from cover. On title page: "Carl W. Lappin, IMRC Director." APH catalog no. 7-2175. Orange paper cover; brown cloth along spine; perfect binding.
Author: Instructional Materials Reference Center for Visually Handicapped Students
Collection: APH Collection
Credit Line: APH Archives
Publisher: American Printing House for the Blind
Publisher Place: Louisville, KY
Publish Date: 1983
Subjects: Books and reading Braille Catalogs Instructional materials Large type books Talking books
Physical Description: 1 v. (837 p.) ; 11 x 8.5 in.