The Braille Mirror [Braille]


Accession Number: 1992.319

Summary/Description: "An educational, secular periodical, published monthly in Revised Braille, Grade One and a half . . . J. Robert Atkinson, Founder and Managing Editor, Subcription $3.00 a year - - - 35 cents the copy. Our motto: Lift up a standard for the people of Braille-land, that they may read and not be weary, Our watchword: Handicaps overcome, Our object: To make Braille literature a mirror of life: to keep this mirror clean, that it may reflect the beautiful, the good and the true in social, civil, political and economic reform, so that the people in Braille-land may keep well informed on world affairs, acquire a renewed interest in life, and become resourceful, happy citizens of the world" --cover (embossed letters). "Literature should be a mirror of life. - Webster." --cover (embossed letters). "Entered as second-class matter July 21, 1926 at the Post Office of Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879." --cover (embossed letters).

Collection: APH Collection

Credit Line: APH Collection, 1992.319

Publisher: Universal Braille Press

Publisher Place: Los Angeles

Publish Date: Nov-26

Subjects: Periodicals for the blind and visually impaired

Physical Description: 1 v. of braille ; 13 1/2 x 10 5/8 in. Volume 1, no. 5