Tactual Perception


Accession Number: 2007.33.302

Subtitle: Experiments and Models, Final Report

Summary/Description: Covering the Period 25 April 1965 to 25 April 1966. "Results from five different studies on tactual perception, involving airjet simulators and a computer-controlled facility" --abstract. Prepared for the NASA Ames Research Center (contract NAS2-2752), and Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (contract AF 33(615)-1099. SRI Projects 5438 4719. Memo from J. Keith Graham, Exec. Secretary, Sensory Study Section, DHEW, about report is inserted loose in book. Paperbound; gray and white cover.

Author: Bliss, James C.

Collection: AER O&M Division C. Warren Bledsoe Archives

Credit Line: Gift of Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired

Publisher: Stanford Research Institute

Publisher Place: Menlo Park, CA

Publish Date: 1966

Subjects: Touch Sensory aids Communication devices

Physical Description: 179 p. : ill. ; 10.75 x 8.4 in.