Tactile Graphics Kit

Kit, Tool

Accession Number: 1998.93.1

Description: Contains tools and materials for constructing master tactile graphics displays of all types. Masters are constructed from heavy gauge aluminum foil and can be reproduced on a vacuum-form machine. Tools allow for constructing 7 kinds of points, 7 kinds of lines, and 4 area patterns. Guidebook is included. Carrying case is gray with cloth handles and cloth straps with buckles.

Height: 13

Width: 14.5

Depth: 3.5

Date Made: ca. 1984

Place of Origin: Louisville, KY

Collection: APH Collection

History/Provenance: APH Collection

Credit Line: APH Collection, 1998.93

Subjects: Assistive technology Instructional aids, tools, and supplies. Tactile graphics.

Dimension Notes: overall

Made: American Printing House for the Blind

Material: Plastic, tin, paper, steel, wood

Updated: 11/12/2015