Accession Number: 2000.18
Subtitle: with a short account of its founder, and general observations applicable to similar institutions
Summary/Description: Includes a frontispiece of Alston, an appendix, tactile illustrations of a specimen of music and a map of the world, and print illustrations of the string alphabet, the school building, trades at the school, and appliances/diagrams for geography, geometry, and astronomy. "The Profits Arising From the Sale Of This Publication, Go Towards The Funds. Sold At The Asylum For The Blind, John Smith And Son, Booksellers, 70, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow: John Johnston, Edinburgh:--W. M'Combe, Belfast: Galt & Anderson, Manchester:--And Smith, Elder, & Co., London. " --t.p.
Author: Glasgow Asylum for the Blind
Credit Line: Museum Purchase, 2000.18
Publisher: Glasgow Asylum for the Blind
Publisher Place: Glasgow
Publish Date: 1846
Subjects: Schools for the blind and visually impaired Education Scotland
Physical Description: 80 p. : ill. ; 8 1/4 x 5 1/4 in.