Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test, Forms A-B [Text (large print)]


Accession Number: 2014.22.1-28

Summary/Description: "Used to diagnose reading characteristics from the end of the first grade through junior college." Tests were adapted for the large type edition from the standard print tests (copyright 1976) with permission of original publisher, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., New York. Contents: Eight test booklets (two each, Form A and Form B, for four test levels: Red level, grades 1-2 and low-achievers in grade 3; Green level, grades 3-4 and low achievers in grade 5; Brown level, grades 5-8 and low achievers in high school; Blue level, grades 9-12 and community college). Each booklet has a paper cover corresponding in color to the test level. Additionally, with each level is a set of standard-print materials (5 pieces) for administering the tests that includes: Supplemental Directions for Administering the Large Type Edition of the Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test: Adapted for Large Type by Bill Duckworth (APH, 1982); and, the following Harcourt Brace publications (c1976-1978): Manual for Administering and Interpreting -- Handbook of Instructional Techniques and Materials -- Supplementary Norms Booklet -- Instructional Placement Report (score sheet). SDRT in running title of Supplemental Directions manual. Red Level: .1 - Form A (14 pages), APH catalog no. 4-2363 .2 - Form B (14 p.), APH catalog no. 4-2364 .3 - Supplemental Directions (40 p.) .4 - Manual (95 p., c1976) .5 - Handbook (31 p., c1978) .6 - Supplementary Norms (23 p., c1978) .7 - Report (score sheet, c1976) Green Level: .8 - Test, Form A (27 p.), APH catalog no. 4-2365 .9 - Test, Form B (27 p.), APH catalog no. 4-2366 .10 - Supplemental Directions (29 p.) .11 - Manual (96 p., c1976) .12 - Handbook (43 p., c1978) .13 - Supplementary Norms (29 p., c1978) .14 - Report (score sheet, c1976) Brown Level: .15 - Test, Form A (25 p.), APH catalog no. 4-2367 .16 - Test, Form B (25 p.), APH catalog no. 4-2368 .17 - Supplemental Directions (20 p.) .18 - Manual (104 p., c1976) .19 - Handbook (41 p., c1978) .20 - Supplementary Norms (31 p., c1978) .21 - Report (score sheet, c1976) Blue Level: .22 - Test, Form A (31 p.), APH catalog no. 4-2361 .23 - Test, Form B (31 p.), APH catalog no. 4-2372 .24 - Supplemental Directions (17 p.) .25 - Manual (115 p., c1977) .26 - Handbook (39 p., c1978) .27 - Supplementary Norms (23 p., c1978) .28 - Report (score sheet, c1977)

Author: Karlsen, Bjorn

Collection: APH Collection

History/Provenance: Work on the large type edition of SDRT began at the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) in FY 1980. Bill Duckworth, APH Research Scientist, was responsible for its adaptation. The large type edition was introduced as a new product in 1982. Each Form A and Form B test booklet could be purchased individually from APH. The standard-print materials for administering the tests were sold by the company in sets per test level (each set consisting of 5 items). Catalog numbers for the sets (as listed in the APH Large Type Publications catalog of 1983) were: 8-0154, Red Level; 8-0153, Green Level; 8-0152, Brown Level; and 8-0151, Blue Level. Circa 1994, the large type edition of SDRT was discontinued.

Credit Line: APH Collection, 2014.22

Publisher: American Printing House for the Blind

Publisher Place: Louisville, KY

Publish Date: 1982

Subjects: Reading Testing Assessment

Physical Description: 8 v. (8 test booklets) : illus ; 13 x 10 in. (red level), 9.5 x 11.5 in. (green level), 9.5 x 12.5 in. (brown level), 10 x 13 in. (blue level) + supplemental materials for administering the tests: 8 manuals, 4 handbooks, and 4 booklets, each in saddle-stitched, paper covers, 11 x 8.5 in.; and 4 score sheets, 11 x 8.5 in. (folded)