Spinner, Plexiglas

Drawing, Technical

Accession Number: 2016.16.4

Scope & Content: Technical drawing (whiteprint) for tooling of a plexiglas spinner with suction cup feet for use with an APH Light Box. Design: S. Frere; drawn: Gary Davis; date: 01/29/1982; plate no. 75.

Creator: American Printing House for the Blind

Interview Date: / /

Collection: APH Archives / RG 12: Educational and Technical Research

Administrative History: In 1984, the American Printing House for the Blind [APH] introduced Light Box Materials, Level I, a new product designed to help in teaching "basic visual skills, eye-hand coordination, and simple matching skills" to low vision children functioning from birth to 4 years. It included several items, among them a plexiglas spinner for turning sets of pinwheel and polka-dotted patterns. Suzette Frere [Wright], an APH research associate, was project director; tooling and manufacturing process were the responsibility of APH mechanical engineer/designer Gary Davis.

Subjects: Instructional aids, tools, and supplies Low vision Mechanical drawings