Scully Model P-270 Magnetic Tape Reproducer Manual


Accession Number: 2011.41.4

Scope & Content: Blue textured pressboard folder, embossed in silver "PRECISION RECORDING EQUIPMENT/Scully/SCULLY RECORDING INSTRUMENTS CORP. BRIDGEPORT 8, CONN, U.S.A."; mimeographed setup and operating instructions for a Scully Model P-270 Magnetic Tape Reproducer; three circuit diagrams included in back.

Creator: Scully Recording Instruments Corp.

Interview Date: / /

Collection: APH Collection

Credit Line: APH Collection, 2011.41

Administrative History: Founded in 1919, the Scully Machine Company made disk cutting lathes and tape machines for the recording business. Correspondance in the APH Archives from Lawrence Scully, dated April 23, 1964 to APH Production Engineer Glenn Sherich confirms that APH purchased a pair of P-270s in 1963 and replaced them with Scully 280 Tape Recorders later in 1964. The P-270s would have been connected to the Scully Disk Recording Lathes in the two mastering rooms installed opposite the two recording studios in the administration building basement, replacing Ampex tape machines installed originally in 1955.

Subjects: Talking Books