Relief map of Asia


Accession Number: 1998.80.84

Scope & Content: Title and creator's name and location appear, in German, in raised letters at bottom, and in braille at top and bottom; mapped area is not labeled; major bodies of water have slightly raised horizontal lines; landmasses are higher; includes continental Europe and Western Pacific Island nations such as Japan and the Philippines; mainland Asia has slightly raised diagonal lines that are barely discernible; major cities indicated by raised dots; rivers represented by raised lines; scale of distance has raised lines and braille numbers; latitude and longitude are indicated by short raised lines, with braille numbers, along side and bottom margins of map, and by raised lines in ocean areas. Stain along top edge. Martin Kunz was director of the Blind Institute at Illzach, Germany and the leading producer of maps in Europe during the 1890s.

Creator: Kunz, Martin.

Interview Date: / /

Collection: APH Collection

Credit Line: APH Collection, 1998.80

Publisher: Illzach, Germany

Publisher Place: Illzach, Germany

Subjects: Asia Geography Maps for the blind and visually impaired