Prototype magnetic Beetz Notation Graph

Board, Musical Notation

Accession Number: 2005.46

Description: (a) Plywood backed wooden framed magnet board; main board backed with two thicknesses of corregated cardboard; lines of magnet board glued to main board to form two musical notation staffs; two black rubber rests on lower edge of main board; plywood backing painted with a gray rubberized enamel on reverse; (b) "square measure" basically a wooden T-square pinned together with brads; (c) dark gray leatherette covered wooden case; hinged lid with two latches; corners reinforced with riveted metal corners; carrying handle missing. (d) a wooden trapezoid described as a leger gauge in product literature; roughly 129 pieces of zinced covered steel notation pieces which are clearly adapted from the original pin back versions.

Height: 3

Width: 20.75

Depth: 16.5

Date Made: 1984

Collection: APH Collection

History/Provenance: APH Collection

Credit Line: American Printing House for the Blind Collection

Subjects: Music education. Prototypes. Instructional aids, tools, and supplies

Dimension Notes: Main board: 19 x 14.25 x 1" Square measure: 15 x 4 x 1"

Made: American Printing House for the Blind

Material: Wood/Steel/Rubber

Updated: 04/15/2014