Accession Number: 2009.20.42a-c
Scope & Content: Three prototype guidebooks, each a part of "An Illustrated Guide to the Development of First Communication Skills (Language and Auditory Stimulation)," contain mimeographed pages of text (typewritten and some handprinted) and illustrations "designed to help the teacher/parent or house parent in promoting early language skills development in children whose understanding of their world comes mainly through senses other than their vision" (introduction). Contents: Part I, Developing Awareness of Sounds; Part II, Talking to the Child; Part III, Helping the Child Begin to Talk. Each part has a front and back cover of blue folder stock stapled twice along the left edge. The title, part number, author's name, APH department and address appear centered and typewritten on the front cover, with part numbers on white correction tape. Part I (a) Part II (b) Part III (c)
Creator: Leach, Fay
Interview Date: / /
Collection: APH Archives / RG 12: Educational and Technical Research
Credit Line: APH Collection, 2009.20.
Administrative History: In fiscal year 1975, the American Printing House for the Blind began developing a prototype unit of materials for use with visually impaired young or multidisabled children. Called the Basic Approach to Beginning Language (BABL) project, it included teacher/parent guidebooks, taped demonstrations, activity cards, audio recordings for children, and developmental checklists. Developed in the research department of the company, BABL was assigned to Fay Leach and Hilda Caton, APH research scientists, as project leaders. Revisions of the prototype materials continued in FY 1977, with Sheri Bortner [Moore], also a research scientist, as project leader. By 1979, the project seems to have ended.
Subjects: Auditory learning Instructional aids, tools, and supplies Language Multiple disabilities Product and market development Prototypes Research Visually impaired children