Accession Number: 2003.198
Description: Reproduction poster, colorful in bold red, blue, and black; blindfolded man walking off a cliff; beneath illustration, in Russian, is printed "An illiterate man is like a blind man. Failure and misfortune lie in wait for him on all sides." Reverse is blank. Russian caption: Negramotnyi tot-zhe slepoi -- vsiudu ego zhdut neudachi i neschast'ia.
Height: 16.125
Width: 11.375
Date Made: 1920
Maker: Radakov, Aleksei Aleksandrovich, 1877-1942
Place of Origin: U.S.S.R.
Credit Line: Museum Purchase, 2003.198
Subjects: Blind. Literacy. Reading. Soviet Union.
Dimension Notes: overall
Material: Paper
Updated: 06/28/2021