Postcard, Kentucky Institute for the Blind


Accession Number: 2001.4

Scope & Content: A color-tinted photo of the front entrance of the school is on the front of the postcard. The multistoried building is stone. The front entrance is columned. There is a dome over the entrance with a cupola above it. Printed at the top center is "Kentucky Institute for the Blind, Louisville, Ky." Printed in the lower right corner is "18518." The back of the postcard is divided and unused. Printed within the dividing line is "Made in USA." Printed along the left edge is "Pub. by Bagby Howe Co., Inc., Louisville, Ky." Postcard is worn slightly along upper right edge; photo is very clear and identical to that of accessions 2000.9 and 2001.9.

Creator: Bagby Howe Company, Inc., Louisville, KY, publisher

Interview Date: / /

Credit Line: Museum Purchase, 2001.40

Publisher: United States

Publisher Place: United States

Subjects: Blind children. Education. Kentucky School for the Blind. Schools for the blind and visually impaired School buildings