Accession Number: 1992.359
Description: The Moon writer looks similar to a typewriter. Paper is inserted into the top of the machine and a pressure pad fits securely on top of it. On the front of the machine is a master pad--a metal plate with indented lines from which the Moon characters are composed. The user inserts the right index finger into a metal ring attached to a lever above the master pad and "draws" the shape of the character on the pad. This transmits the shape of the character to the writing mechanism and pushes a stylus against the pressure pad inscribing a small version of the character on the paper. On the front of the Moon writer is "Possum Moon Writer" and "Royal National Institute for the Blind," with the RNIB logo. Black plastic carrying case. Includes draft copy of the User's Handbook, with tactile graphics.
Height: 5
Width: 16.5
Depth: 14
Date Made: ca. 1986
Place of Origin: England
Credit Line: Gift of Judy Dixon, 1992.359.
Subjects: Assistive technology Mechanical writing Moon type Typewriting
Made: Possum Controls Ltd., Royal National Institute for the Blind
Material: Plastic, steel, aluminum, rubber
Updated: 04/10/2018