Plextor Plextalk Portable Recorder

Recorder, Audio

Accession Number: 2014.7.26

Description: Silver gray book shaped plastic chassis; blue aluminum speaker grill on top; four diamond shaped buttons on left (Information, Heading, Page, and Bookmark) above round red record button; 3x4 numeric keypad in center; rewind, stop/play, and fast forward buttons below keypad; compact flash memory slot on right side; power jack and pentagonal USB jack on top; CD-Rom slot on front side, along with volume, speed, keyboard lock, and eject controls; power toggle and jacks for line-in, line-out, and headphones on left side; rechargable battery compartment on bottom; screen printed on top, "PLEXTALK PORTABLE RECORDER"; label on bottom, "PLEXTOR PTR1 DC+10V--2.1A/Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd./S-No. 504220004424".

Height: 1.5

Width: 6

Depth: 7

Date Made: 2002

Maker: Shinano Kenshi Company

Place of Origin: Japan

Collection: APH Collection

History/Provenance: APH Collection

Credit Line: APH Collection, 2014.7.

Subjects: Recording technology Talking book machines

Dimension Notes: overall

Made: Shinano Kenshi Company

Material: Plastic, aluminum

Updated: 02/15/2021