Accession Number: 1992.252
Description: Two plates used to produce a brochure for The Hadley School for the Blind; also, one brochure sheet printed from the plates. The brochure sheet has green and red type. Three brochures were cut from one sheet. "The Only School of Its Kind, Braille by Mail, Free to the Blind Everywhere, The Hadley School for the Blind" --brochure sheet.
Date Made: n.d.
Place of Origin: Louisville, KY
Credit Line: APH Collection, 1992.252
Subjects: Education Schools for the blind and visually impaired
Dimension Notes: 13 1/4 x 6 1/2 in.
Made: American Printing House for the Blind.
Material: Metal plate ; paper brochure sheet .
Updated: 12/16/2019