Accession Number: 2019.9.3a-h
Summary/Description: The third level of Patterns: The Primary Braille Reading Program, a series of instructional materials "designed to teach reading to children who will use braille as their principal learning medium." Hilda Caton, project director; Eleanor Pester, assistant project director; Eddy Jo Bradley, senior editor. "Produced pursuant to Grant No. G007500595 from the Bureau of Education for the Handicapped, U.S. Office of Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare" --title page verso of pupil's text. The teacher's kit includes a pupil's text (1 basal reader in 2 volumes), worksheets, review worksheets, and a posttest, all in double-spaced lines of braille (two-sided embossing in text only), and teacher's editions in standard print; APH catalog number 6-78100-00. Kit items: a-b) City and Farm (pupil's text; 2 volumes of 75 pages each) c) Teacher's Edition for pupil's text and worksheets (156 pages; includes 36 lesson plans and a skills index) d) Review Worksheets, Teacher's Edition (17 pages) e) Posttest, Teacher's Edition (11 pages) f) Worksheets (123, unbound) g) Review Worksheets (45, unbound) h) Posttest (27, unbound sheets) Primer Level "builds upon the vocabulary and skills introduced in the earlier levels of Patterns" (Readiness and Preprimer). It is color-coded green: pupil's text has hard covers (green buckram over book boards, with white metal cercla binding), and Teacher's Editions have green paper covers and are comb-bound (green plastic). Worksheets, review worksheets, and posttest sheets, bundled separately in paper bands, are packaged in manila envelopes that have print labels on front. Includes some raised-line tactile graphics. Kit items could also be purchased separately. Braille versions of the teacher's editions were only available through separate purchase.
Author: Caton, Hilda
Collection: APH Collection
History/Provenance: This kit was transferred in 2019 to the APH Museum from APH Research. It had been in storage with other project materials of Eleanor Pester. The Primer Level of Patterns: The Primary Braille Reading Program was made available by the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) in 1980. APH Research staff responsible for the project were Hilda Caton and Eleanor Pester. Eddy Jo Bradley, who had worked with publishers Harper & Row and Scott, Foresman, was the the editorial director. In 2009, APH announced that the Primer Level would be replaced by a new APH product, Building on Patterns: First Grade.
Credit Line: APH Transfer, 2019.9
Publisher: American Printing House for the Blind
Publisher Place: Louisville, KY
Publish Date: copyright 1982
Subjects: Braille Instructional materials Printing and writing systems Reading
Physical Description: 1 kit: 2 volumes of braille (11.5 x 12 inches); 3 volumes of standard print (11 x 8.75 inches); 3 envelopes (15 x 12.5 inches) containing worksheets, review worksheets, and posttest in braille (11 x 11.5 inches)