Party for Bridget Auvenshine

Transparency, Slide

Accession Number: 2017.6.138

Description: Office Crew, Bridget Auvenshine, 11/30/72 - employees surrounding Bridget at office desk with gifts on it, Anna Rogers in red sweater far left, Gloria Edlin in orange dress; Jone Smith right behind her, Maryann Grigsby in plaid jumper and white blouse to her right, Katherine Beck in front right in white and black, Sylvia Lonsburry directly behind Beck in green vest.

Date: Nov-72

Photographer: Kent, Jane

History/Provenance: From collection of 335 color slides, mostly photographed by former APH business office manager Jane Kent between 1955 and 1987. Sent to former APH business office manager David Manteuffel in March 1987.

Credit Line: APH Collection, 2017.6