Accession Number: 1991.72
Subtitle: (Physik nebst Astronomie und mathematischer Geographie)
Summary/Description: "Punktschriftband 1" --cover label. Interpoint braille. Museum holdings: volume 1. Gray/black marbled paper over boards; black cloth on spine and tips of corners; standard print labels on spine and front cover; braille label embossed in cloth on spine; pages (signatures) thread-stitched.
Author: Poske, Friedrich
Collection: APH Collection
Publisher: Druck und Verlag der Blindenhockschulbucherei
Publisher Place: Marburg-Lahn, [Germany]
Publish Date: 1922
Subjects: Astronomy Geography Instructional materials Physics
Physical Description: 4 v. of braille ; 13.5 x 11.5 in. Volume 1 only