Millard Metal Writing Frame (Large)

Guide, Writing

Accession Number: 2014.32

Description: (a) Rectangular tinplate handwriting guide, enameled industrial gray; two hinges on left; edges of top frame are rolled and reinforced with wire, edges of bottom frame are rolled over and crimped flat; a swiveling clip on the right side of the bottom frame secures the two frames closed; top frame is open in middle and has black elastic cord strung through fifteen holes pierced in each side to create fifteen writing lanes; (bc) two-part blonde cardboard sleeve, "Royal National Institute for the Blind/Millard Metal Writing Frame/Catalogue No. K019038".

Height: 9.875

Width: 8

Depth: 0.375

Maker: Royal National Institute for the Blind

Place of Origin: London, England

Credit Line: Museum Purchase, 2014.32.

Subjects: Boards (writing) Pencil writing

Dimension Notes: overall, frame only

Made: Royal National Institute for the Blind

Material: Steel, elastic cord

Updated: 04/09/2018