Manual of Devotions for the Catholic Blind [Kneass combined letter]


Accession Number: 1992.333

Summary/Description: "Manual of Devotions for the Catholic Blind Published by the Rev. James O'Reilly: with the Approbation of the Right Rev. James Frederic Wood, D.D., Bishop of Philadelphia, Printed in The Improved, Combined Letter; By N. B. Kneass Jr., Philadelphia, 1867" --t.p. Marbled paper over boards with leather spine and corners; single-sided embossing. Kneass' raised letter system has concave capital and lowercase letters.

Credit Line: Gift of the Carroll Center for the Blind, 1992.333

Publisher: Rev. James O'Reilly

Publisher Place: Philadelphia, PA

Publish Date: 1867

Subjects: Blind Christianity Prayer Prayerbooks

Physical Description: 65, [3] p. of raised type ; 9 x 11 x 1.25 in.