Accession Number: 2014.7.43
Description: White vinyl 3-ring binder with color inserts in windows on spine and front cover, adhesive braille label on top front right; clear plastic trays inside front cover hold plastic CD-Rom jewel case (Listening to Windows 95 Interactive Tutorial) and white plastic audio cassette (Listening to Windows 95 Cassette Manual; binder holds print and braille users manual and guides to fourteen thermoformed tactile pages.
Height: 11.5
Width: 2.25
Depth: 10.625
Date Made: 1999
Maker: American Printing House for the Blind
Place of Origin: Louisville, KY
Collection: APH Collection
History/Provenance: APH Collection
Credit Line: APH Collection, 2014.7.
Dimension Notes: overall
Made: American Printing House for the Blind; Tesco, Inc.
Material: Plastic, paper, steel
Updated: 02/15/2021