Larry Skutchan interview [Sound recording]

Recording, Audio

Accession Number: 2006.13.36

Scope & Content: Larry Skutchan, Technology Project Leader at the American Printing House for the Blind (APH), talks about his work at APH, which began in 1985 when he was hired as a systems programmer to develop software products designed for accessibility, the first of which was a suite of speech-accessible programs for use with the Apple IIe. He describes some of the programming challenges experienced in his work and mentions some of the other APH products on which he has worked, including Talking Typer, PocketBraille, Braille+ Mobile Manager; accessible modification of Apple Presents Apple, digital audio-book production software programs Studio Recorder and Book Wizard Producer, and, for reading, Book Wizard Reader. He left APH in fiscal year 1993 to develop a screen-reader program through his company Micro Talk, but would rejoin APH in 1998. Skutchan, who is blind, also talks about the dog guides that he has had in his life. (Note: Skutchan became the director of Technology Product Research at APH in 2014.)

Narrator: Skutchan, Larry

Interviewer: Randles, Raymond

Interview Date: 03/24/2008

Interview Length: 81 minutes

Interview Place: Museum of the American Printing House for the Blind

Extent: 81 minutes

Collection: APH Oral History Collection

Credit Line: APH Oral History Collection, 2006.13

Media Type: Compact Disc

Subjects: Dog guides Employees Interviews Product and market development Research Software

Interview Restrictions: All copyrights belong to the American Printing House for the Blind. Contact the Museum concerning any restrictions.