Accession Number: 1992.317.1-2
Summary/Description: The magazine was established in 1867 by Napoleon Kneass and was probably the first U.S. magazine for the blind. Kneass combined letter was characterized by concave capital letters. "Entered at the Philadelphia Post Office as Second Class Matter, Published Semi-Monthly by N.B. Kneass, Jr., No. 219 Church Street, Philadelphia, PA, Terms: $3.50 Per Annum, in advance, Post free, Sample numbers 30 cents." --cover. 1992.317.1 - July 1, 1892 issue. 1992.317.2 - July 15, 1892 issue.
Publisher: N.B. Kneass, Jr.
Publisher Place: Philadelphia
Publish Date: July 1, 1892; July 15, 1892
Subjects: Periodicals Periodicals for the blind and visually impaired
Physical Description: 2 issues ; 12 x 9 1/8 in. Volume 26, nos. 13 and 14.