Istituto dei ciechi in Roma annual reports and awards programs

Report, Annual

Accession Number: AnnRep2.24

Scope & Content: Printed reports of the Istituto dei ciechi in Roma, documenting the school's management, building and student activities. Reports include financial statements. There are two separately printed programs of student prizes/awards events held in 1889 and1890. See container list for holdings. On report covers: Istituto dei ciechi in Roma, presso S. Alessio al monte Aventino (St. Alessio of Mount Aventino Institute for the Blind in Rome). Resoconto dell'anno. On program covers: Premiazione degli alunni ed alunne dell'Istituto dei ciechi in Roma, presso S. Alessio al monte Aventino.

Creator: Istituto dei ciechi in Roma

Interview Date: / /

Administrative History: The Istituto dei ciechi in Roma (Institute for the Blind in Rome) was founded in 1868.

Subjects: Schools for the blind and visually impaired Education Italy Annual reports Awards

Rights: Contact museum staff regarding reproduction of materials.