Accession Number: AnnRep3.54
Scope & Content: Printed reports documenting the activities of the Indiana Board of Industrial Aid and Vocational Rehabilitation for the Blind. Reports include financial statements and most list the pupils/employees by name; some include black-and-white photo illustrations. Training and employment were initially made available in the areas of needle craft, chair caning, and broom making. By 1922, training and employment programs expanded to include rug and carpet weaving and garment making. Fiscal year varies. See container list for holdings. On reports prior to 1946: Board of Industrial Aid for the Blind.
Creator: Indiana. Board of Industrial Aid and Vocational Rehabilitation for the Blind
Interview Date: / /
Administrative History: The state of Indiana created a Board of Industrial Aid for the Blind in 1915 to establish vocational training programs for blind adults in the state and to develop industries and industrial workshops for their employment. The Board of Trustees of the Indiana School for the Blind served ex officio as the Board of Industrial Aid. The program of services expanded in 1946, and the name changed to Board of Industrial Aid and Vocational Rehabilitation for the Blind.
Subjects: Services for the blind and visually impaired -- Indiana Rehabilitation Employment Annual reports
Rights: Contact museum staff regarding reproduction of materials.