Accession Number: 2009.24.16.724-727
Description: BW prints; .724: Indian man in white shirt and pants, K.P. Gupta, stands with his hands stretched above his hands at left; four lines of children behind him stand on a grass lawn in a similar pose; cationed on back, "Mr. K.P. Gupta, teacher, taking a P.T. Class, 3/11/48"; stamped "Copyright Indian News Chronicle, Delhi"; 5 x 7.625"; .725: Indian man in shirt and tie, K.P. Gupta, sits in an armchair, his hands holding the hands of a small boy in white standing facing him; captioned "Mr. K.P. Gupta teaching articulation to a student; 8.125 x 6"; .726: Field with trees and small building with conical roof in background; captioned Playground. Presented to Dr. Milton T. Stauffer, K.P. Gupta 4-2-49"; 2.5 x 3.5"; .727: Courtyard and school building featuring tile roof, columned arcade; tree leaves overhead; 2.5 x 3.5";
Date: ca. 1949
Credit Line: AFB Migel Memorial Library Collection, 2009.24
Subjects: Asia Buildings Calisthenics Education of disabled persons India Schools for the blind and visually impaired