Accession Number: 2019.16.3
Description: (a) Print parts list; (b) braille parts list; (c) print teacher's manual, softbound, saddle stapled with blue cardstock cover; (d) braille teacher's manual, softbound, saddle stapled with blue cardstock cover; (e) spiral bound workbook with vacuum formed traceable script letters, blue cardstock cover; (f) embossed 17 x 13.5" plastic tactile marking mat; pack of fifty (50) sheets of longhand writing paper; (gh) print and braille instructions for using the marking mat.
Maker: American Printing House for the Blind
Place of Origin: Louisville, KY
Collection: APH Collection
History/Provenance: APH Collection
Credit Line: APH Collection, 2019.16.
Subjects: Handwriting Education of disabled persons
Dimension Notes: Varied
Made: American Printing House for the Blind
Material: Paper, plastic
Updated: 08/16/2019