Accession Number: 2013.7
Subtitle: Theory and Practice
Summary/Description: Organized in three parts: Definitions, Development and Theory; Components of a Quality Educational Program; and Special Curriculum Considerations. Includes an overview of the history of education of the blind and visually impaired. Chapters: Education for the visually handicapped : A social and educational history / Ferne K. Roberts -- What does it mean to be blind? Definitions, terminology, and prevalence / Geraldine T. Scholl -- The visual system / Marjorie E. Ward -- Growth and development / Geraldine T. Scholl -- Sensory perceptual development / Natalie C. Barraga -- Low vision and visual efficiency / Anne L. Corn -- Infancy and early childhood / Kay Alicyn Ferrell -- Visual impairments and other exceptionalities / Geraldine T. Scholl -- Severe multiple handicaps / Rosanne K. Silberman -- Multicultural considerations / Geraldine T. Scholl -- Psychoeducational assessment / Amanda Hall, Geraldine T. Scholl, Rose-Marie Swallow -- Planning the individualized education program / Marjorie E. Ward -- Educational programming / Dean W. Tuttle -- The teacher / Susan Jay Spungin, Josephine L. Taylor -- Working with parents / Kay Alicyn Ferrell -- The team approach to advocacy / Jack Hazekamp -- Resources, media, and technology / Julia Holton Todd -- Communication skills / Toni Heinze -- Orientation and mobility / Everett W. Hill -- Social skills / Kathleen Mary Huebner -- Curricular adaptations / Kathleen Mary Huebner, [et al.] -- Transition to adulthood / Frank Simpson. Bibliography: p. 481-500. Includes an index, and a selective timeline (latter printed on endpapers). "AFB cat. no. PEP124" --back of cover. Inscribed to Tuck Tinsley, then-principal at the Forida School for the Deaf and the Blind, by editor, Geraldine T. Scholl, and several of the contributors (on beginning page of their respective chapters). Blue clothbound boards.
Collection: Reference Collection
History/Provenance: Transferred to the APH Museum from the professional collection of Tuck Tinsley.
Publisher: American Foundation for the Blind
Publisher Place: New York
Publish Date: 1986
Subjects: Blind children Visually impaired children Education Teachers of the blind and visually impaired
Physical Description: 509 p. : ill. ; 11.25 x 9 in.