Folding a braille issue of Reader’s Digest

Negative, Sheet Film

Accession Number: 2000.56.114-115

Description: Two black-and-white negatives show different views of the same two women folding single copies of the Reader's Digest. One woman sits at a machine used to crease and score the braille sheets lengthwise along the middle. The other woman uses a machine to run the folded sheets between two reverse rollers. 1) Overhead view; creasing/scoring machine at right; other machine at left (.114). 2) Overhead view; machine with rollers in foreground; creasing/scoring machine at center; round collating table holding stacks of braille sheets in background (.115). Negatives marked with two "V" notches.

Medium: Safety film (Kodak)

Date: 1956

History/Provenance: APH had professional photos taken for the company, many for use in illustrated product sheets/brochures. Negatives were transferred from APH Advisory Services to the Museum in 2000.

Credit Line: APH Collection

Subjects: Braille Manufacturing processes Periodicals for the blind and visually impaired