Accession Number: 2014.4.1-5
Scope & Content: Five notecards containing handwritten notes, in ink, thanking APH in connection with the Hall of Fame for Leaders and Legends in the Blindness Field. Four are from Hall of Fame inductees: Natalie Barraga to APH "Top Brass," 2002; Alice Raftary to Dr. Tuck Tinsley, APH president, with date stamped envelope, March 20, 2002; Alice Raftary to Bob Brasher, APH Vice President, January 15, 2003; and Euclid Herie to Bob Brasher, 2009, with brailled promotional insert about the New Perkins Brailler. The fifth is from Kathlyn Woolly, wife of Hall of Fame inductee Max Woolly, to Bob Brasher, September 25, 2005 (1905 on card). .1 - Barraga .2 - Raftary (2002) .3 - Raftary (2003) .4 - Euclid .5 - Woolly
Interview Date: / /
Collection: Hall of Fame Collection
Credit Line: Hall of Fame Collection, 2014.4
Subjects: Inductees Correspondence