Final Report on the Development and Evaluation of Aural Reading Devices for the Blind to Veterans Administration, June 30, 1958


Accession Number: 2007.33.268

Summary/Description: "Report discusses preliminary design studies, design and construction of five prototype readers, and evaluation of the readers by blind subjects" --intro. letter. Contract No. V 1005 M-1261. Period covered: April 15, 1957-June 30, 1958. On cover: Summary Report. White plastic comb-binding with green paper covers.

Author: Abma, John S.

Collection: AER O&M Division C. Warren Bledsoe Archives

Credit Line: Gift of Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired

Publisher: Battelle Memorial Institute

Publisher Place: Columbus, OH

Publish Date: 1958

Subjects: Blind Reading devices Prototypes

Physical Description: 33 p., various paging (appendices) : ill. ; 11.75 x 8.75 in.