Accession Number: 1991.1
Summary/Description: The first embossed book for the blind. The embossed letters are inked. In 1784, Haüy founded l'Institut des Jeunes Aveugles in Paris, France, the first school for blind children. The book was typeset and printed there by students of the school under the direction of printer M. Clousier. It was dedicated to King Louis XVI, reigning French monarch at the time of publication. English translation of title: An Essay on the Education of the Blind.
Author: Haüy, Valentin, 1745-1822
Publisher: Imprimae par les Enfans-Aveugles
Publisher Place: Paris
Publish Date: 1786
Subjects: Blind Education Printing and writing systems
Physical Description: 1 v. of raised type ; 25.5 x 20.3 x 3 cm.