Accession Number: 2016.21.1
Summary/Description: A manual of the "authorized braille code for use in the United States, as of January 1, 1959." "Compiled under the authority of the American Association of Instructors of the Blind and the American Association of Workers for the Blind. Adopted January 1, 1959" -- t.p. AAIB-AAWB Braille Authority. Includes index. Inserted loose in book: a typewritten 8-page list of changes with heading "English Braille - 1959"; a typewritten Note to Transcribers from the Division of the Blind, Library of Congress about "the new code"; and typewritten sheets of "Practice Material for the New Code." Yellow paper cover; saddle-stitched along fold.
Author: Joint Uniform Braille Committee
History/Provenance: In 1959, the American Association of Instructors for the Blind and the American Association of Workers for the Blind adopted changes to Standard English Braille (the braille code that had been adopted and in use since 1932 by both the United States and Britain). The "new code" adopted for use in the United States was called English Braille, American Edition (EBAE), and the manual for EBAE was available in 1959. This copy of the EBAE manual was acquired by the donor's mother, Regina Sivak (in whose memory the book has been donated), because one of her sons was blind and she wanted to learn how to transcribe braille.
Credit Line: Gift of Cindy Sivak, in memory of her mother, Regina Sivak, 2016.21
Publisher: American Printing House for the Blind
Publisher Place: Louisville, KY
Publish Date: 1959
Subjects: Braille Printing and writing systems Transcription
Physical Description: 68 p. ; 10.75 x 8.5 in.