Embossed map of Scotland: rivers and towns


Accession Number: 2002.5.5

Scope & Content: Map is embossed on a white sheet of plastic to indicate rivers and towns. Background of mapped area is colored green. Landmasses are raised and colored a lighter green. Land above one-thousand feet is colored brown. Single raised squares indicate towns. Includes both braille and print labeling. Latitude and longitude are indicated along the margins. Includes a scale of miles at top left. A raised inset of the Shetland Islands is at top right. "Issued by The Royal National Institute for the Blind London, W.I., England" is printed at top center. This is one of a set of two raised-relief maps of Scotland, the other indicates rivers and mountains (see 2002.5.6). Soiled; tip of top left corner is missing.

Interview Date: / /

Subjects: Geography Maps for the blind and visually impaired Scotland Tactile graphics