Accession Number: 2001.62.4
Summary/Description: St. John, Chapter 14 [translated title]. Text of St. John is embossed, in German, in Moon type. Includes a key to Moon type. Promotional and subscription information for support of Moon materials is printed in English on verso of front cover and is partially obscured by a 2 x 1 in. glued-on strip of paper. A list of "Works Published" in Moon is printed in English on the back cover. Brown paper cover with black printed text in German on front and spine.
History/Provenance: Purchased by the APH Museum from an antique bookdealer. Additional provenance not known.
Credit Line: Museum Purchase, 2001.62
Publisher: William Moon
Publisher Place: Brighton [England]
Publish Date: 1856
Subjects: Bible Bibles for the blind New Testament
Physical Description: 1 v. (17 p.) of raised type; 6.5 x 10.75 in.