Das 1. Buch Mose [Braille]


Accession Number: 1991.66

Summary/Description: Contains Martin Luther's translation of Genesis, with commentary. Title from cover. Pages embossed in interpoint in German braille. "Stuttgarter Jubilaumsbibel mit Erklarenden Anmerfungen. Die Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuer Testaments. D. Martin Luthers new durchgesehene deutsche Ubersetzung. . . . Unter Mitwirkung der Gefellschaft fur christliches Leben unter den deutchen Blinden, herausgegeben von der Privileg. Wuett. Bibelanstalt, Stuttgart" --cover label. "1. Mose Kurzschr[ift]" --inkstamped at bottom right of t.p. A small illustration of a cross and another of a shield appear in dotted outline on the title page and page 121 of the Genesis text, respectively. Hardcover (brown paper over boards with black cloth on spine) contains two separately bound sections: the text of Genesis (121 pages) saddle-stitched into the spine; and the commentary (80 p.) saddle-stitched to a binding strip at the right edge of the back cover so that it opens to the right of the cover, allowing simultaneous access to both sections.

Author: Luther, Martin

Collection: APH Collection

History/Provenance: Transferred to the APH Museum from by the American Printing House for the Blind.

Credit Line: Museum Collection, 1991.66

Publisher: Privileg. Wurtt. Bibelanstalt

Publisher Place: Stuttgart

Publish Date: 1922

Subjects: Bibles for the blind Old Testament

Physical Description: 1 v. of braille ; 13.75 x 10.75 x 2.5 in.