Continuous Improvement Overview

Recording, Video

Accession Number: 2010.26.25

Scope & Content: Unedited version of an in-house video featuring Tuck Tinsley, the president of APH, and Norma Fletcher, Human Resources director, explaining the company's Continuous Improvement Program that was initiated by APH in 2000. APH employees were the intended audience.

Creator: American Printing House for the Blind

Interview Date: / /

Collection: APH Collection

Administrative History: The American Printing House for the Blind (APH) began a company-wide Continuous Improvement Program in 2000, "to change the culture of work and life at APH to one of continually reviewing processes and functions to increase efficiency, reduce waste, and improve the quality of life at APH."

Subjects: Industrial productivity Industrial safety Manufacturing processes Programs

Rights: Contact museum staff regarding reproduction of materials.