Accession Number: 1992.182
Description: Black fiberboard carrying case, telescoping, corners reinforced with black tinplate; secured with three black cotton webbing straps riveted to bottom; paper print manual, 8.5x11" with blue cardstock cover, "INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDE for the CHANG TACTUAL DIAGRAM KIT"; two manila envelopes holding 104 yellow enameled fiberboard geometric forms in 27 shapes and sizes, each has velcro hook strips glued to reverse; two molded plastic "stick men" enameled yellow; assorted velcro hook strips in four lengths; folding Velcro "loop" base board.
Height: 13
Width: 26
Depth: 2
Date Made: ca. 1980
Place of Origin: Louisville, KY
Collection: APH Collection
History/Provenance: APH Collection
Credit Line: APH Collection, 1992.182
Subjects: Orientation and mobility Geometry Instructional aids, tools, and supplies
Dimension Notes: overall
Made: American Printing House for the Blind.
Material: Fiberboard, velcro
Exhibit Label: Kit, Diagram
Updated: 08/16/2018