Accession Number: 2014.7.44
Description: (a) black vinyl portfolio with a faux leather texture; flap secures with black plastic side-release buckle; accordion folds on sides; clear window under flap holds Dr. Nolan's business card; in gold under flap, "47th CONVENTION of A.A.I.B.--1964 at PERKINS SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND"; (b) Green cardboard clamshell 2p box holding nine (9) red, white, yellow, and blue wooden cubes; in silver on lid, "WISC BLOCK DESIGN/THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CORPORATION NEW YORK, NY"; (c) Green, spiral bound, cardboard flipbook, labeled in silver, "WISC/ARITHMETIC PROBLEMS 14-15-16/PICTURE COMPLETION/BLOCK DESIGNS/THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CORPORATION/60-169TB"; (d) book, "Buffalo Bill: Boy of the Plains," by Augusta Stevenson, The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1948; blue linen bound cover, stitched binding, 189pp.; (e) book, "Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Manual," by David Wechsler, The Psychological Corporation, 1949; green cardstock cover, spiral bound, 114pp.; (f) book, "Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Manual," by David Wechsler, The Psychological Corporation, 1955; blue cardstock cover, spiral bound, 110pp.; (g) WISC Record Form, blank, 57-200S, copyright 1949, 6pp. (h) stack of Wechsler-Bellevue Scale Record Form , 57-203AS, copyright 1949, 4pp. in original blue envelope; (i) WAIS Record Form, 65-211AS, copyright 1955, 4pp.; (j) adapted Record Sheet for the Hayes-Binet Intelligence Test for the Blind 1942, from 1970; year three through ten; printed on reused paper that includes text from 1970 APH research report; (k) adapted Record Sheet for the Hayes-Binet Intelligence Test for the Blind, years nine through Superior Adult III; 4pp.; (l) "Psychological Test Schedule" for series of ten students from Kentucky School for the Blind, January 20-February 19th, 1975. (m,n) pair of used, yellow, #2 pencils, Eagle Mirado 174 and Franklin 500.
Height: 10.75
Width: 15.5
Depth: 3
Date Made: ca. 1970
Place of Origin: Louisville, KY
Collection: APH Collection
History/Provenance: APH Collection
Credit Line: APH Collection, 2014.7.
Subjects: Testing Intelligence levels Accessible Tests
Dimension Notes: overall, portfolio
Made: various
Material: Paper, vinyl, steel
Updated: 05/08/2014