Accession Number: 2000.17
Description: A deck of 48 braille pinochle cards. Braille dots are on the upper left and lower right corner of the face of each card to indicate suit and number. The backs of the cards are red and white and have the Bicycle Rider design. The box is red. A gold and red label on the box has the following printed on it: Bicycle Rider Back 48F Pinochle Braille Playing Cards, The U.S. Playing Card Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Date Made: n.d.
Place of Origin: Cincinnati, OH
Credit Line: Museum Purchase, 2000.17
Subjects: Braille. Card games. Games. Playing cards.
Dimension Notes: 3 1/2 x 2 1/2 in. cards ; 3 3/4 x 2 3/4 x 1 3/8 in. box .
Made: U.S. Playing Card Company
Material: Cardboard box ; card stock.
Updated: 10/31/2016