
Unit, Peripheral Control

Accession Number: 2006.41.1

Description: Tan-enameled rectangular steel case with four light gray rubber feet; nickel-plated toggle on front right, red LED on front left; top has four holes to accommodate feet of Perkins Brailler; eight spring loaded brass posts; raised shelf on back edge of top; jack on back left for 9V AC/DC adaptor, gray plastic parallel printer cable with royal blue jack; screen printed on front, "BRAILLE-n-PRINT/quantum"; serial#257; label on reverse, "Howe Press/Perkins School For the Blind".

Height: 3.25

Width: 14.125

Depth: 10

Date Made: ca. 1985

Maker: Wilson, Norman [inventer]

Place of Origin: Australia

Collection: APH Collection

History/Provenance: APH Collection

Credit Line: APH Collection, 2006.41

Subjects: Braille Braillewriters

Dimension Notes: Chassis overall, does not include printer cable

Made: Quantum Technology

Material: Steel, brass, rubber, plastic

Updated: 10/22/2018