Accession Number: 2018.27.5.1-11
Subtitle: Principles of Print to Braille Transcription, 1997
Summary/Description: Rules (volumes 1-5) -- Index (volumes 6-7) -- Directory of Examples (volumes 8-9) -- Braille Examples (volumes 10-12). Holdings: volumes 1-7, 9-12. "Developed under the sponsorship of the Braille Authority of North America" --t.p. Includes an index. Contracted braille; interpoint. APH catalog number 5-09652. Hole-punched pages in white, three-ring vinyl binders. Clear braille label at top left of each front cover. Yellow cover-sheet and spine-label inserts in standard print.
Author: Braille Authority of North America
Collection: BANA Archives
History/Provenance: Codebook was transferred to the APH Museum from APH Field Services for addition to the BANA Archives.
Credit Line: APH Transfer, 2018.27
Publisher: American Printing House for the Blind
Publisher Place: Louisville, KY
Publish Date: 1998
Subjects: Braille Printing and writing systems Transcription
Physical Description: 12 volumes of braille ; 11.5 x 13 in.