Accession Number: 2009.24.16.1116
Scope & Content: Card with alphabet in print and embossed braille; photo of Rev. Dale C. Recker reading from braille book to his daughter Nancy (see 2009.24.16.1115); included braille transcription of Psalm 119:105, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
Creator: American Bible Society
Interview Date: / /
Collection: AFB Migel Memorial Library Collection, John Milton Society Papers
Credit Line: AFB Migel Memorial Library Collection, 2009.24
Administrative History: Dale C. Recker was a Lutheran minister who lost his sight from retinitis in 1948. He went to work for the American Bible Society in 1963 as Secretary for the Blind, and in 1970, succeeded Winthrop Battles as the President of the John Milton Society.
Subjects: Braille