Blindenanstalt zu Illzach annual reports

Report, Annual

Accession Number: AnnRep2.17

Scope & Content: Printed reports of the Blindenanstalt zu Illzach, documenting the school's management, building and student activities. Annual period is April through March. Include illustrations in reports for 1888/1889 and 1889/1890 of building and floor plans. Report for 1886/1887 is in German and French; other reports are in German only. See container list for holdings. On reports: Blinden-Anstalt zu Illzach bei Mülhausen.

Creator: Blindenanstalt zu Illzach, Mülhausen

Interview Date: / /

Subjects: Schools for the blind and visually impaired Education Germany Annual reports

Rights: Contact museum staff regarding reproduction of materials.